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<rain1>installing guix is taking hours because the tests for subversion are taking hours
<rain1>I would recommend turning it off for this particular package, despite the general policy of including tests
<rain1>it doesn't seem that svn is actually needed for a basic install either
<rain1>at least as far as I can tell by grepping the guix repo
<rain1>am I mistaken?
<rain1>or perhaps an env var to choose not to run tests could be a big help
<rain1>i cant belieev its still going
<rekado_>rain1: the git tests also take a very long time.
***wildbartty is now known as nah
***nah is now known as fredofrodo
***fredofrodo is now known as wildbartty
<IntoxicatedHippo>What ways are there to distinguish different machines if I want to share the same OS config file between multiple machines?
<IntoxicatedHippo>At the moment I'm considering a file in the EFI partiton on each machine
<pkill9>IntoxicatedHippo: distinguish in what way?
<pkill9>on the network? if so you could hcange the hostname for each
<IntoxicatedHippo>pkill9: I want to have slightly different setting for each, for example different hostnames/packages.
<IntoxicatedHippo>But I don't want to have seperate files as I like to keep all my config files in one big org-mode file
<Sleep_Walker>maybe you can identify it via /sys filesystem
<Sleep_Walker>there is aviable HW somehow visible
<Sleep_Walker>this way you can implement condition and return package sets and configuration on the fly
<Sleep_Walker>interesting idea btw. - I might use it myself :b
<efraim>Or to have includes or inherits
<pkill9>is it possible to do `guix system reconfigure` and specify an operating system delcaration from within a scheme module?
***billybob is now known as gogsismycity
<thomassgn>pkill9: There is the library that you use when/if you use guix-devel-mode or the guix functions in emacs/geiser
<pkill9>it would be good to have in the command-line interface
<thomassgn>So I'm quite sure you could do that. And then separate the machines based on any HW uuid or MAC or similar.
<thomassgn>I'm excited to see what the "working group" on that is coming up with.
<thomassgn>don't remember what they called it, was something to do with deployment
<zybell_>IntoxicatedHippo:`cat /sys/class/net/*/device/net/*/address|md5sum` should give you a hostid
<zybell_>thomassgn ^ of interest too?
<thomassgn>zybell_: thanks
<buenouanq>So I would like to have a Guile Web server service that just runs a file in the background, respawns it if it crashes, takes the normal herd start/stop, etc
<buenouanq>but the manual doesn't have any example for me to follow.
<buenouanq>Does anyone here have something similar they could post for me please?
<roptat>Hi Guix!
<nckx>thomassgn: ‘orchestration’ IIRC.
<roptat>I'm trying to configure alsa to use pulse by using alsa-plugins:pulseaudio
<roptat>but when running aplay to test my settings, I get ALSA lib dlmisc.c:254:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library /gnu/store/vz126z2n8lbqbry76r2wiydyz5sd3f9a-alsa-lib-1.1.5/lib/alsa-lib/
<roptat>this library is actually at /gnu/store/1br2yr4qw10izz62jl0sfmm0kvbqk6jn-alsa-plugins-1.1.5-pulseaudio/lib/alsa-lib/
<roptat>there's still /gnu/store/1br2yr4qw10izz62jl0sfmm0kvbqk6jn-alsa-plugins-1.1.5-pulseaudio/lib/alsa-lib/
***dddddd_ is now known as dddddd
<zybell_>does store/vz... exist?
<efraim>build able to build packages on a machine with a display really helps with debugging packages
<zybell_>Only the dir at first roptat?
<roptat>what do you mean?
<roptat>I'd like it to find the library in my profile (~/.guix-profile/lib/alsa-lib), not in alsa-lib where it is absent
<roptat>but I don't know how to do that
<zybell_>the dir with the hash that *wasnt* found
<roptat>need to go :/
<zybell_>youve run in to the plugin problem
<Sleep_Walker>efraim: I'm a bit fighting with go-build-system: package is unpacked into /tmp/guix-build-go-github-com-sirupsen-logrus-1.0.5.drv-0/src/ but build expects go files just in
<Sleep_Walker>#:unpack-path doesn't seem to be helping as I need to strip one level of path
<Sleep_Walker>as it looks like common problem, have you met it? do I use go-build-system wrong?
<efraim>i haven't looked at the go-build-system
<efraim>i'm still trying to get binutil's gold to build so I can get gccgo to build go itself on aarch64
<Sleep_Walker>ah, I saw you in some commits and saw you here so I hoped you'd knew
<Sleep_Walker>gccgo is different compiler?
<efraim>gccgo is a go compilier with the gcc backend
<efraim>qml-box2d is now maybe back from the dead
<Oom>I'm trying to install but I'm getting lots of 504 time-out. What can I do
<zybell_>nothing or wait
<Oom>Ok I'll wait, thanks
<siraben> - 146 (14.8%) were identical
<siraben> - 19 (1.9%) differed
<siraben> - 824 (83.3%) were inconclusive
<siraben>Should I be concerned about the packages that are different?
<siraben>How do I remedy that?
<zybell_>you look at the cause
<Sleep_Walker>heh, my problem was url-fetch vs git-fetch - url-fetch has one level more and go-build can't handle that :b
<siraben>zybell_: How do I look at the house?
<siraben>The cause*
<siraben>Freudian slip!
<zybell_>let you tell the 19 names. for each pkg do diff local remote done
<siraben>How do I tell Guix to use a substitute (such as as the default one?
<ng0>so while tinkering around with my tests and modifications I do at the moment I noticed something odd. gnu/system/file-system (or what the file was) has a service that is supposed to delete the content of /tmp on boot. But: I can not remember a single occasion when this happened. In addition to this, I think the documentation or examples should recommend to create /tmp as a tmpfs so that the files are really
<ng0>just temporary. Everything that needs to be preserved is in other locations anyway.
<siraben>zybell_: What command do I run?
<zybell_>you do not install them. do a real download. you use a workbench to debug sth.
<siraben>Sorry, I don't understand.
<siraben>19 packages differed, what do I run to see which packages they are?
<zybell_>where is the log?
<ng0>also, if anyone is interested in upgrading the nix package definition, with the recent 2.0 definition you can drop all of its perl dependencies and it builds ;) I need to write a small activation server to make it really work, but compilation and execution worked.
<ng0>*from its build
<siraben>My Guix info files are missing, (i.e. nothing appears when running "info guix"). I set the INFOPATH correctly, so I'm not sure what's missing.
<siraben>zybell_: What log?
<ng0>info itself?
<ng0>what's the output of 'which info'
<siraben>It works if I login as root and do "guix info"
<zybell_>info alone may help you. as you run guix challenge it will run a log.
<ng0>siraben: have you sourced $profile/etc/profile?
<siraben>I have GUIX_PROFILE=$HOME/.guix-profile/etc/profile
<siraben>source $HOME/.guix-profile/etc/profile
<siraben>In my .bashrc
<siraben>I believe that is where to put them, right?
<ng0>then source .bashrc and run again whatever you ran
<ng0>or open a new terminal.
<ng0>you might still have the old env vars
<siraben>info: No menu item 'guix' in node '(dir)Top'
<siraben>ng0: Here's my .bashrc that has the changed environment variables
<ng0>I can't help you, I'm busy. You'll figure it out eventually.
<zybell_>if it works as root but not as user do echo $infopath (uppercase) as root (not sudo) and as user, check the difference.
<ng0>defaults should look likt this:
<ng0>ah nvm, 7 lines paste.
<ng0>user: /home/user/.guix-profile/share/info:/run/current-system/profile/share/info:/home/user/.guix-profile/share/info:/run/current-system/profile/share/info root: /run/current-system/profile/share/info:/root/.guix-profile/share/info:/run/current-system/profile/share/info
<ng0>if it helps you.. I'm back to other stuff.
<zybell_>thomassgn IntoxicatedHippo: Improved to `echo $(grep : /sys/class/net/*/device/net/*/address |sort -k9 -t/|md5sum|grep -o '^[^ ]*')`
<siraben>ng0: What path is this?
<siraben>just PATH?
<siraben>Oh INFOPATh
<siraben>ng0: Still doesn't work, sorry. I'll find another way.
<pkill9>hi, I have an issue with my ethernet connection not working after waking up from suspend. NetworkManager just doesn't recognise the wireless connection is available. here's a pastebin of running dhclient and dmesg: any help is appreciated
<pkill9>note that enp6s0 is the ethernet connection
<zybell_>siraben grep -C3 differ: log
<zybell_>pkill9:you have the autoup installed? to detect if cable is connected to ethernet most cards need to be up. Your card needs that too or is it on by default? At least in suspend your card needs to be *down*.
<pkill9>zybell_: i have xfce4 desktop services, not sure if that includes autoup
<siraben>brb reconnecting my wireless
<zybell_>normally its on a much deeper level as dhcpcd hook for instance
<siraben>zybell_: Does that help?
<zybell_>all packages seem accounted for (didnt download for wc -l). Now you should download the urls from the log.
<zybell_>*grepped log
<siraben>Is there a way to install it automatically?
<siraben>What's the command line option for guix to reinstall packages?
<zybell_>guix challenge is *not* for install. You dont know which one is broken,yours or remote.
<siraben>Can I just rebuild the packages?
<zybell_>You must have the patience to work out the diffs. rebuilding may give you a third version. What are you going to do then? Without knowing why you will get lost more.
<ng0>having version 1 and version 2 you can use diffoscope.
<ng0>whatever you are trying..
<zybell_>gotta go, sorry
<mbakke>siraben: Use `guix build --no-grafts --check --keep-failed` to test reproducibility.
<mbakke>The --check argument will force a rebuild and complain if the result differs.
<mbakke>--keep-failed will allow you to inspect the failed build.
<mbakke>--no-grafts prevent the build from just being the grafted derivation.
<siraben>mbakke: OK I just ran that command and had no output
<mbakke>siraben: you also need to pass it a package name.
<siraben>How do I set the default substitute server?
<mbakke>siraben: it's passed as an argument for the guix daemon. So in the service definition or unit file on a foreign distro.
<siraben>Should I adjust the GUIX_LOCPATH in the service declaration?
<siraben>To get rid of the "failed to install locale" warning
<siraben>mbakke: What should I expect from the `guix build' command?
<rain1>yes the git tests take forever too
<rain1>I had to turn it off last night
<rain1>I wonder if an env var could be craeted to choose not to run tests when building
<rain1> thats what I get trying to install guixsd without --fallback
<rain1> and with --fallback
<siraben>guix build: error: build failed: derivation `/gnu/store/666fnkql7ghzbfmz6ksgva83pm71jsjw-emacs-25.3.drv' may not be deterministic: output `/gnu/store/blv0c3bjy3x4bnymbgzbnvc3x9wpc6w6-emacs-25.3' differs from ‘/gnu/store/blv0c3bjy3x4bnymbgzbnvc3x9wpc6w6-emacs-25.3-check’
<adfeno>Hi all! :D
<adfeno>I just installed GNU Guix under a foreign distro (Trisquel 8 Flidas, x86_64), contrary to my last install, I'm now taking advantage of the 64-bit support of my computer.
<adfeno>However, I just found out that the `guix pull' seens to be broken. I made some tests by attempting to `guix pull' from older commits, and I found that at least commit "2cc267e07a34737982184433c6cd13ede9551175" doesn't break `guix pull'.
<Sleep_Walker>adfeno: I think you need to be more descriptive on "seems to be broken" :)
<adfeno>I know that the problem started between "8f3448f6374d287b01b021df3e7e43ec5101f9a7" and "892527829cfeff76919e0779ba0997ccdd7424f3", but the bisecting range is still wide.
<adfeno>Sleep_Walker: Sorry, I'll give more information, just give me a minute to get the pieces
<Sleep_Walker>hmmm, 127 commits range - bisecting in 7? steps
<adfeno>I don't hae the scroll from that far available, but as far as I can remember, the breakage has the following signals:
<mbakke>sneek: later tell siraben the next steps are to figure out what differs between the two variants (e.g. with diffoscope) and submit a bug report.
<sneek>Got it.
<adfeno>a) breaks either when fetching a derivation of glibc or gcc;
<rain1> Here is my proposed change to allow users to skip tests e.g. while attempting to install GUIX
<adfeno>b) the last item of the backtrace (from top to bottom), involves part of "gnu/store.scm", and "invalid derivation re?";
<Sleep_Walker>adfeno: could you please send backtrace to some pastebin?
<adfeno>c) the last error message tells that it was not possible to generate compute-guix-derivation
<adfeno>I'll stop my current guix pull to get it.
<Sleep_Walker>I have docker-cli, dockerd, containerd - I'll send package definition to guix-patches
<Sleep_Walker>some work on services needs to be done though
<adfeno>3h to get the HEAD of master in `guix pull'... actually, it already got it, but is updating list of substitutes for some hours.
<lfam>Sleep_Walker: Are you still having trouble building that Go program?
<lfam>Sleep_Walker: I've seen issues like yours when trying to use snapshot tarballs from GitHub. If you're doing that, just use a Git checkout. Go doesn't support anything else, really
<adfeno>lfam Sleep_Walker: There was also a topic, either in Org-mode, Parabola dev, or Hyperbola dev mailing lists, that discussed the issues with these tarballs
<adfeno>.... these tarballs automatically generated by GitHub and co.
<lfam>adfeno: That's a different issue. Go assumes you are using Git checkouts instead of tarballs
<lfam>It's not related to whether the tarballs are from GitHub or some other site
<adfeno>Oh... OK then, I tought it was the same issue
<lfam>Those auto-tarballs are annoying for their own reasons :)
<rain1>I was looking at the guix mailing list
<rain1>just reading the archive
<rain1>and the april fool got me
<Sleep_Walker>lfam: I noticed that already, it was as you said - url-fetch vs git-fetch :)
<lfam>Cheers :)
<Sleep_Walker>it would be doable via some path strip or rename as common step but git-fetch was easiest
<lfam>Yeah, one day *someone* should make it work more easily in the go-build-system
<Sleep_Walker>well, my only reason I touch it is preparing docker
<lfam>It sort of needs to be overhauled for Go 1.10 so I'm not going to make that change on its own now
<Sleep_Walker>is it OK to push topic branch to GIT repository?
<zybell_>lfam:it will be made easy by having all sw dl as git remote. In the future. go is from __future__ import .
<lfam>zybell: Yes, it may end up like that one day :)
<lfam>Sleep_Walker: Sure. If you think you will rebase it (or otherwise rewrite the history) during your development process, please prefix the branch name with 'wip'. For example, wip-foo
<nckx>[roptat, anyone:] After I ‘make clean’ and try to ./configure again, I now get this error:
<nckx>automake-1.15: error: cannot open < ./doc/ No such file or directory
<lfam>I noticed some errors related to that as well, nckx
<nckx>Good to know it's not just me!
<nckx>ACTION has an autotools phobia and will now bravely wait for someone else to fix it.
<lfam>nckx: What about if you run `./bootstrap` again?
<rain1>is there any alternative server to I could point to, in order to get guixsd installed?
<rain1>it's been giving me a lot of 504's today and yesterday
<lfam>rain1: Our other official mirror is <>
<rain1>unfortunately guix weather didn't work on the latest iso (perl text markdown discount unbundle patch not found)
<rain1>thanks lfam I'll try it
<nckx>lfam: Will try.
<nckx>Nope, the same error necks ./bootstrap.
<lfam>Alright, can you send a bug report :)
<nckx>Later. Royals are playing. :-)
<nckx>And I'm too busy yelling.
<lfam>Haha, okay
<rain1>oh no.....
<rain1>out of memory killed
<civodul>Hello Guix!
<civodul>Hello Guix!
<rain1>hi civodul :)
<rain1>hi civodul :)
<nckx>B'jour civodul.
<nckx>B'jour civodul.
<vagrantc>so, suddently, my keyboard+mouse started behaving strangely in guix where it would either work with the mouse or work with the keyboard ... same keyboard + mouse works on another computer
<vagrantc>so, suddently, my keyboard+mouse started behaving strangely in guix where it would either work with the mouse or work with the keyboard ... same keyboard + mouse works on another computer
<vagrantc>and there's a delay when one is disabled
<vagrantc>and there's a delay when one is disabled
<vagrantc>noticed roghly after upgrading to linux 4.16.3, but reverting to earlier systems didn't fix it
<vagrantc>noticed roghly after upgrading to linux 4.16.3, but reverting to earlier systems didn't fix it
<civodul>vagrantc: in Xorg, the console, or both?
<civodul>vagrantc: in Xorg, the console, or both?
<vagrantc>civodul: in Xorg ... didn't try the console and don't typically have the mouse configured on console
<vagrantc>civodul: in Xorg ... didn't try the console and don't typically have the mouse configured on console
<vagrantc>notably, the keyboard has a built-in usb hub, which the keyboard itself and the mouse are attached to ... but always worked before, and works on other computers still
<vagrantc>notably, the keyboard has a built-in usb hub, which the keyboard itself and the mouse are attached to ... but always worked before, and works on other computers still
<civodul>uh, weird
<civodul>uh, weird
<vagrantc>i guess i could try reverting to an even earlier system ...
<vagrantc>i guess i could try reverting to an even earlier system ...
<civodul>i haven't rebooted into 4.16 yet
<civodul>i haven't rebooted into 4.16 yet
<vagrantc>was running 4.16.2 just fine ... maybe i should find the earliest 4.16.2
<vagrantc>was running 4.16.2 just fine ... maybe i should find the earliest 4.16.2
<jsoo>how do i deal with network timeouts during `guix pull`?
<jsoo>how do i deal with network timeouts during `guix pull`?
<pkill9>jsoo: I think the servers are having problems for everyone
<pkill9>jsoo: I think the servers are having problems for everyone
<efraim>the ansible patches work on aarch64
<efraim>the ansible patches work on aarch64
<jsoo>pkill9: ah, thanks
<jsoo>pkill9: ah, thanks
<pkill9>if i install fonts, how does other software find them?
<pkill9>if i install fonts, how does other software find them?
<jsoo>any suggestions trying to build a cargo package? i'm trying to build alacritty and i don't think cargo is properly pointed to /gnu/store. i always get:
<jsoo>any suggestions trying to build a cargo package? i'm trying to build alacritty and i don't think cargo is properly pointed to /gnu/store. i always get:
<jsoo>error: failed to open: /homeless-shelter/.cargo/registry/index/
<jsoo>error: failed to open: /homeless-shelter/.cargo/registry/index/
<jsoo>Caused by:
<jsoo> Permission denied (os error 13)
<jsoo>Caused by:
<jsoo> Permission denied (os error 13)
<jsoo>looking in the Cargo.lock, i see that none of the packages have been changed to /gnu/store
<jsoo>looking in the Cargo.lock, i see that none of the packages have been changed to /gnu/store
<pkill9>what do you mean pointed to /gnu/store?
<pkill9>what do you mean pointed to /gnu/store?
<pkill9>also when you make it can you send it to me? :P
<pkill9>also when you make it can you send it to me? :P
<jsoo>sure :)
<jsoo>sure :)
<jsoo>i guess my question is about how cargo-build-system works
<jsoo>i guess my question is about how cargo-build-system works
<jsoo>i could have $CARGO_HOME point to . and it would grab all the dependencies from github. i thought guix would want all the dependencies in /gnu/store
<jsoo>i could have $CARGO_HOME point to . and it would grab all the dependencies from github. i thought guix would want all the dependencies in /gnu/store
<jsoo>i think fonts still work with fc-*
<jsoo>i think fonts still work with fc-*
<pkill9>network access is disabled during the build process
<pkill9>network access is disabled during the build process
<pkill9>or are you building it in a `guix environment`?
<pkill9>or are you building it in a `guix environment`?
<efraim>Install the fonts and then run 'fc-cache -something'
<efraim>Install the fonts and then run 'fc-cache -something'
<pkill9>efraim: is that what gets other software to see the newly installed fonts?
<pkill9>efraim: is that what gets other software to see the newly installed fonts?
<jsoo>i'm building with `guix build --file=alacritty.scm -K` and then heading to /tmp/guix-build-alacritty-.0.1.0.drv-0 like the docs say about debugging builds
<jsoo>i'm building with `guix build --file=alacritty.scm -K` and then heading to /tmp/guix-build-alacritty-.0.1.0.drv-0 like the docs say about debugging builds
<efraim>pkill9: it seems to work for me, gcompris-qt noticed my strange fonts
<efraim>pkill9: it seems to work for me, gcompris-qt noticed my strange fonts
<jsoo>pkill9: yes fc-cache is how to register fonts with some things. now that i mention it i'm not sure what it registers the fonts with, but i think it should at least work with X
<jsoo>pkill9: yes fc-cache is how to register fonts with some things. now that i mention it i'm not sure what it registers the fonts with, but i think it should at least work with X
<pkill9>it probably generates a font cache in your home directory
<pkill9>it probably generates a font cache in your home directory
<jsoo>yeah, when you get a new font, you have to regenerate the cache
<jsoo>yeah, when you get a new font, you have to regenerate the cache
<pkill9>i wonder how best that can be integrated into generally installing packages
<pkill9>i wonder how best that can be integrated into generally installing packages
<jsoo>the arch wiki has a good guide to fonts
<jsoo>the arch wiki has a good guide to fonts
<ng0>a service or cronjob that runs on the users behalf or a profile hook.
<ng0>a service or cronjob that runs on the users behalf or a profile hook.
<jsoo>ng0: do you have any advice for using the cargo build system?
<jsoo>ng0: do you have any advice for using the cargo build system?
<ng0>yes, a really short one with a big implication: fix it.
<ng0>yes, a really short one with a big implication: fix it.
<jsoo>lol, gotcha
<jsoo>lol, gotcha
<ng0>it's not complete. it can do basic stuff, but there are open TODO items that haven't made their way to bugtickets.
<ng0>it's not complete. it can do basic stuff, but there are open TODO items that haven't made their way to bugtickets.
<jsoo>maybe this is a dumb question but i'm just getting into this. Does cargo need to use dependencies in /gnu/store?
<jsoo>maybe this is a dumb question but i'm just getting into this. Does cargo need to use dependencies in /gnu/store?
<ng0>everything, if managed and installed by Guix, needs to use dependencies from other package definitions.
<ng0>everything, if managed and installed by Guix, needs to use dependencies from other package definitions.
<ng0>so, yes
<ng0>so, yes
<ng0>but cargo on its own does not need to use this
<ng0>but cargo on its own does not need to use this
<jsoo>oh, so is cargo allowed to use github sources, then?
<jsoo>oh, so is cargo allowed to use github sources, then?
<ng0>no, what I mean is you can do with cargo installed in your profile whatever cargo can do
<ng0>no, what I mean is you can do with cargo installed in your profile whatever cargo can do
<jsoo>ah, i see. dang. i was using this as an opportunity to write my first package definition. maybe i should try something else.
<jsoo>ah, i see. dang. i was using this as an opportunity to write my first package definition. maybe i should try something else.
<jsoo>ng0: thanks a bunch
<jsoo>ng0: thanks a bunch
<nckx>I've just been messing with ZNC, so it could be coincidence, or not, but does gnunet_bot always spam this hard?
<nckx>I've just been messing with ZNC, so it could be coincidence, or not, but does gnunet_bot always spam this hard?
***fractal___ is now known as fractal
***fractal___ is now known as fractal
<davidl>I started vlock -c on one of my tty's and it seem to automatically try and reconnet because "authentication failure" pops up every couple seconds on it.
<davidl>I started vlock -c on one of my tty's and it seem to automatically try and reconnet because "authentication failure" pops up every couple seconds on it.
<davidl>so Im locked out of it now.
<davidl>so Im locked out of it now.
<civodul>davidl: if you're on GuixSD, did you add it to 'setuid-programs'?
<civodul>davidl: if you're on GuixSD, did you add it to 'setuid-programs'?
<davidl>civodul: I did not. Ill check it out, thanks.
<davidl>civodul: I did not. Ill check it out, thanks.
<ng0>I think that's not gnunet bot? or is?
<ng0>I think that's not gnunet bot? or is?
<civodul>nckx: i suppose something's wrong with the bot :-)
<civodul>nckx: i suppose something's wrong with the bot :-)
<ng0>*is it
<ng0>*is it
<civodul>ng0: it really looks like it :-)
<civodul>ng0: it really looks like it :-)
<ng0>in #gnunet we have: extractor-bld gnune547 gnunet-bld gnunet_bot ... I suspected gnuneXXX to be some spammer
<ng0>in #gnunet we have: extractor-bld gnune547 gnunet-bld gnunet_bot ... I suspected gnuneXXX to be some spammer
<ng0>nckx: thanks, should be fixed
<davidl>civodul: I tried adding it but it errored with unbound variable: vlock when I reconfigured.
<davidl>however, the vlock program is not a separate package in my config.scm - it's installed as part of another unknown package.
<civodul>davidl: i actually don't know vlock, what does "realink -f $(which vlock)" return on your system?
<davidl>which vlock returns: /run/current-system/profile/bin/vlock
<davidl>relink is not a program I have installed.
<civodul>sorry, "readlink"
<civodul>so "readlink -f $(which vlock)"