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<dadinn>hi all
<dadinn>I am trying to install zfs-dkms so as to disable the ncurses window prompting to accept the openZFS CDDL license (I am using this in automated unattended tests). To do this I would have to run the command: `DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y zfs-dkms`. This works fine on the command line. To achieve the same in Guile I am trying to run these two commands: (setenv "DEBIAN_FRONTEND"
<dadinn>"noninteractive") and (system* "apt" "install" "-y" "zfs-dkms"). Unfortunately I keep getting prompted in the frontend. What am I doing wrong?
<dadinn>it seems that the variable set by setenv doesn't get passed correctly to the child process?
<dadinn>I am also not sure if there is any difference in behaviour between using setenv and putenv. Is one prefered over the other?
<dadinn>apologies, managed to figure out the issue. The problem was in my code, accidentally ended up not calling the setenv procedure... now it works like a charm! :P
<ajarara>dadinn: looking at the info pages setenv/putenv have the same description, just their argument API is different
<ajarara>e.g. both specifically mention child processes inherit applied env variables
<RhodiumToad>at the C level the distinction between putenv and setenv is in the memory management
<RhodiumToad>in guile, setenv is just a small scheme wrapper on putenv
<KREYREN>How do i declare that polo.scm is supposed to override the value set by marco.scm?
*RhodiumToad not understanding the question?
<KREYREN>RhodiumToad, e.g. in nix i have to do `lib.mkForce ...` for this behavior like overwritting the already declared value with a new one
<lilyp>KREYREN: (operating-system (inherit (load "marco.scm")) (polo-stuff ...))
<KREYREN>i meant like doing (operating-system ...) (load "polo.scm") (operating-system ...) to like overwrite the value in the new file
<lilyp>That's not how records work
<lilyp>operating-system is a syntactic constructor
<lilyp>it's semantically equivalent to (make-operating-system <a bunch of reordered field values>)
<KREYREN>How can i make a logic that defines lot of values to operating-system across multiple files then?
<lilyp>In the way I wrote or more easily by defining the parts as variables and importing them across the board
<KREYREN>can you dumb that "way I wrote" for someone who is using guile for 2 hours x.x
<lilyp>KREYREN: (operating-system (inherit (load "marco.scm")) (timezone "Europe/Paris") ...)
<KREYREN>ehh i would have to dothe load for like 12 files is there more nicer looking way?
<lilyp>What would be the nicer looking way?
<KREYREN>(timezone "Europe/Prague) ? The shorter the definition the better
<KREYREN>oh that would have to be `(my-timezone ...)` that then i would have to expand in `(operating-system)` right
<lilyp>I don't think you can abbreviate field names that easily
<lilyp>but see guix/packages.scm for how to do it anyway (the sha256 part)