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<RhodiumToad>modern compilers make the logic of boehm-gc questionable
<drakonis>when is it time to replace it then?
<merazi_1>Hello guile!
<RhodiumToad>good evening
<tekakutli>hello merazi
<merazi_1>how are you doing?
<RhodiumToad>same as usual
<merazi_1>Oohh, I hope that's good.
<tekakutli>merazi_1 what did you do today to further our agenda?
<dsmith>leoprikler: Actually, guile had it's own GC before boehm. Inherited from SCM.
<merazi_1>tekakutli: Nothing really 😓 I've been doing some basic uni stuff today, preparing for the week.
<rlb>...and iirc, getting the handling right *everywhere* on the C side was not always easy (wrt the previous non-conservative collector).
<dsmith>Ya. lots of mysterious bugs just went away, but on the other hand, added another dependency.
<vijaymarupudi>I'm not sure how central boehm is to the code, but I wonder if no-ops (for now) could be provided to increase or decrease a ref count for an SCM object
<vijaymarupudi>So that in a future, a command line flag could opt for a more hands on approach?
<vijaymarupudi>In the interest of high performance of course
<leoprikler>sneek later tell vijaymarupudi scm_gc_protect
***sneek_ is now known as sneek
<apteryx_>how do we recursively dereference a (potential) symbolic link? readlink would only dereference it once, correct?
<apteryx_>ah, there is an example as readlink* in (guix utils0
<apteryx_>(guix utils)
<dsmith-work>Monday Greetings, Guilers
<RhodiumToad>also see canonicalize-path
<leoprikler>Does Guile (the language) have something similar to Emacs Lisp's with-demoted-errors?
<leoprikler>I know Guix has false-if-exception*, but it's not quite what I'm looking for.
<RhodiumToad>there isn't a builtin for it, but it should be doable
<RhodiumToad>it doesn't seem to be documented, but false-if-exception has an optional warning arg
<RhodiumToad>(false-if-exception expr #:warning template arg ...)
<RhodiumToad>(false-if-exception (error "foo!") #:warning "demoted error ") outputs ;;; demoted error foo!
<RhodiumToad>that said, doing your own thing using with-exception-handler or catch might be preferable
<leoprikler>yeah, it also prints the entire exception
<RhodiumToad>what do you want to happen to the error?
<leoprikler>just the error be printed (perhaps with the right prefix)
<leoprikler>I don't know how continuable exceptions are handled – would the code continue after the throw without me doing anything or would I need extra code for that?
<RhodiumToad>do you want demoted errors to be continued if possible?
<RhodiumToad>false-if-exception doesn't do that, it unwinds all errors
<leoprikler>thought so
<leoprikler>so I need an unwind-handler instead of catch?
<leoprikler>I should probably just read the manual on continuable exceptions first
<RhodiumToad>you shouldn't need or want dynamic-wind for this
<leoprikler>so it appears this is the default (#:unwind?=#f) behaviour of with-exception-handler?
<dsmith-work>How timely. I was just looking at with-exception-handler last night.
<RhodiumToad>the default for with-exception-handler is to invoke the handler without unwinding, in the tail position of the raise-exception call
<RhodiumToad>however, most exceptions are not continuable, so if the handler just returns, it'll throw another exception (to the previous handler)
<RhodiumToad>it works to have two nested handlers, the inner one to print the error and the outer one to unwind for &non-continuable, but I don't know if there's a more elegant way
<dsmith-work>RhodiumToad: Is that double level needed? Just print the error in the unwound handler.
<RhodiumToad>that wouldn't continue a continuable exception, though
<RhodiumToad>the request (aiui) was for code that would automatically continue any continuable exception and catch any non-continuable one, printing it either way
<RhodiumToad>something like this:
<RhodiumToad>that assumes that #f is always a reasonable thing to return to a continuable exception
<RhodiumToad>also this assumes guile 3 with its unification of exceptions and throws
<JLouis>what would be equivalent in Guile to prin1-to-string that data can be saved in file?
<dsmith-work>JLouis: Perhaps object->string
<JLouis>aha let me try
<JLouis>that is right for guile
<dsmith-work>So what makes an exception continuable or not? Yeah, by calling raise or raise-continual or whatever. What are examples of exceptions that could be continuable and some that are not?
<RhodiumToad>raise-exception has an optional argument which says it's continuable
<RhodiumToad>(raise-exception blah #:continuable? #t)
<RhodiumToad>afaik it's not dependent on the type of exception or anything else
<dsmith-work>Right, but I'm really asking the deeper question. What kinds of execeptions are or should continuable? Or should not be?
<RhodiumToad>good question
***apteryx_ is now known as apteryx
<leoprikler>dsmith-work: if you're writing procedural code you might want to throw continuable exception for optional stuff failing
<leoprikler>RhodiumToad: what would happen if I inverted the order?
<leoprikler>I.e. in the inner exception handler unwind the stack if it's a non-continuable exception, then rethrow as continuable and in the outer one simply format the error?
<RhodiumToad>the problem is that I didn't find a way to know if the exception was continuable except to try and continue it
<RhodiumToad>which results in a &non-continuable exception if it turned out not to be continuable
<RhodiumToad>and that gets thrown to the outer handler and not the inner one
<RhodiumToad>(i.e. it gets thrown to the handler outside the one that tried to continue the error)