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<lispmacs[work]>(drain-input (uart-in-port uart))
<lispmacs[work]>oops, wrong emacs window
<lispmacs[work]>I want to be able to try to read a char from an input port, but if nothing is available (say, after 10ms) then return false or throw an error or something. I found section 6.12.13 Non-Blocking I/O but was wondering if that is the simplest way to do it
<lispmacs[work]>I'm just trying to clear garbage out of an input stream before sending commands to the output stream
<lispmacs[work]>I thought drain-input might be what I was looking for, but it doesn't work
<dsmith>select with a timeout should work on a serial port, shouldn't it?'
<ft>It does. I've done something like this:
<dsmith>There are also some funky tty ioctls I think. From before sockets I imagine.
<ft>Yeah, there's stuff like VTIME in termios. But I would rather use select.
<lispmacs[work]>dsmith: "select"?
<ft>",d select" at the guile repl.
<lispmacs[work]>okay, taking a look at it in the manual
<lispmacs[work]>I've read the description of `select' but am not understanding how to use it to be honest
<lispmacs[work]>so, I could put the input port as the READS parameter, with a usecs timeout
<ft>You give it lists of ports that you're interested in reading and writing, plus a timeout. When it returns either you can do one of those things with one of those ports, or the timeout triggered.
<lispmacs[work]>ft: what happens if I timeout?
<ft>lispmacs[work]: You can take a look at that io-read function I linked to. It basically does that.
<ft>It returns an empty list.
<lispmacs[work]>ft: could you send me the git clone url so I don't have to unblock the gitlab javascript?
<ft>(that io-read is for a line based protocol, so it does ‘read-line’ to read)
<dsmith>You can give it no fd's and then it behaves just like a pure timeout, or you can not pass in a timeout, and it can block forever.
<ixmpp>is there a convenient tool for formatting guile?
<ixmpp>indenting it properly etc
<ixmpp>but as a drive-by command line tool?
<ixmpp>i want to pipeline it
<dsmith>I've not heard of one. I wonder if it's possible to batch emacs to do that. Iv'e heard vi people do org-mode stuff that way.
<dsmith>I really suspect most lispers just use emacs.
<ixmpp>maybe i'll see if i can pipeline vim then
<dsmith>I've finally gotten used to paredit. Most of it anyway.
<mfiano>I would check out smartparens. Switched from paredit like 6 years ago
<dsmith>mfiano: What's the advantage over paredit?
<mfiano>It does everything paredit does, plus more like allowing numeric prefices. It also works in other non-lisp modes, and pairs good with other packages like cleverparens,
<mfiano>Mostly though, it just seems to be less buggy. I use a lot of structural editing commands and sometimes paredit can leave the tree in an inconsistent state.
<mfiano>I guess another plus is that it's shipped with both Doom and Spacemacs, so likely has a lot more users...and is also actively maintained unlike paredit.
<dsmith>sneek: botsnack
<daviid>sneek: seen str1ng
<sneek>Not as far as I can remember.
<daviid>sneek: seen str1ngs
<sneek>str1ngs was in #guix 4 months ago, saying: hello daviid just going over your e-mail in regards to <gdk-event> LGTM. I just had to switch to the new !event-type method vs !type. I'll test some more with removing gdk as a dependency..
<daviid>sneek: seen spk121
<sneek>I think I remember zzappie in #guix 20 days ago, saying: yesss.
<daviid>dsmith ^^ zzappie?
<dsmith>It does a think called metaphone matching.
<dsmith>I'm guessing it's supposed to match thinks like dsmith dsmith_ dsmith` ...
<dsmith>Kind of like soundex
<dsmith>It also seems to fail miserably at times.
<daviid>dsmith do we have to ask again then, when it 'fails'
<dsmith>No. It will give the same results.
<dsmith>For example, "sneek" and "seems" matched.
<daviid>that the bot 'links' zzappie and spk121 is a bit of a mistery
<daviid>to me, but then i am not a bot :):)
<daviid>well at least i think i am not, but in // universes ... who knows ...
<dsmith>(metaphone "zzappie") ;; -> "sp"
<dsmith>(metaphone "spk121") ;; -> "sp"
<dsmith>So it actually saves by the metaphone...
<dsmith>(metaphone "sneek") -> "sn"
<dsmith>(metaphone "seen") -> "sn"
<dsmith>I would like to remove that, but then all that "seen" history would be inaccessible.
<dsmith>I could just purge that table and start over.
<daviid>dsmith oh, i didn't mean to give you any work, and history is very much 'needed' i think
<dsmith>And it's working well enough for the most part...
<lispmacs[work]>select is working for me
<dsmith>lispmacs[work]: Yey!
*sneek dances
<daviid>i was just curious, and wanted to ask last time spk121 appeared here, but ok ...
<dsmith>I think that metaphone thing is tuned for real words.
<dsmith>It ani't pretty:
<lispmacs[work]>on a loosely related subject: I've noticed that if I do a pretty small write to a file output port, like 16 bytes, that force-output and sync don't actually force the data to the file
<lispmacs[work]>I have to actually close the port
<lispmacs[work]>I was wondering if anybody had insight into that. I'm on a Guix Gnu/Linux system.
<dsmith>SOunds like buffering, but force-output should handle that.
<dsmith>lispmacs[work]: I forget, is there a way to disable buffering? You might (or might not!) want to.
<lispmacs[work]>dsmith: I would say I don't need to in my use case, mainly just curious
<lispmacs[work]>I would end up closing the port anyway
<dsmith>IS it a socket?
<dsmith>If so, maybe need to disable nagle?
<lispmacs[work]>for this specific question, the output port is a file port
<lispmacs[work]>though the data does come down the chain from a file input port which is a FIFO
<dsmith>Hmm. Dare I say it: strace it!
<lispmacs[work]>which is tied to a serial comm port
<dsmith>A fifo.
<lispmacs[work]>strace, great idea!
<dsmith>Getting stuck in there perhaps.
*lispmacs[work] looks up what strace is on the internet...
<dsmith>strace -e write or maybe -e file
<dsmith>strace is kind of like wireshark for system calls.
<lispmacs[work]>that sounds handy
<lispmacs[work]>guix environment --ad-hoc strace
<lispmacs[work]>emacs seems to slow down a little once you have 273000 lines in a buffer
<lispmacs[work]>just brief pauses every once in a while
<lispmacs[work]>in the strace, nothing gets written until I close the port, and then all 16 bytes are writting in one write call
<dsmith>So. Buffering.
<lispmacs[work]>dsmith: I've read that, but it doesn't explain why force-output is not working here
<dsmith>Yeah. Wondering that myself.
<lispmacs[work]>unless, I have to drain some input elsewhere
<dsmith>I *would* try setting the port to unbuffered though.
<dsmith>Are you sending a byte at a time, or larger chunks?
<dsmith>I know it's only about 16 bytes...
<lispmacs[work]>a byte at a time
<dsmith>Hmm. I would think if unbuffered that would be a write() for every byte.
<lispmacs[work]>okay, I'll set it to none
<dsmith>IF nothing else, it's a datapoint to help understand what's going on.
<dsmith>Sometimes, you just have to poke it with a stick to see if moves or not.
<dsmith>That metaphone thing does not do well with "funky" chars. Like non-alpha
<dsmith>The old bot in #debian had a "nick-o-meter". And it would tell what percentage lame your nick was.
<dsmith>"Your nick is 100% lame, ===!sam!===
<lispmacs[work]>dsmith: everything is immediately dumped if I do (setvbuf op 'none) first
<dsmith>That means it works better?
<dsmith>(not sure what "immediately dumped" means)
<lispmacs[work]>dsmith: well, like I said, doesn't really make much practical difference in my case. I just was curious because I thought force-output was supposed to pull out things that are buffered
<dsmith>Indeed it should.
<dsmith>Smells like a bug to me.
<lispmacs[work]>immediately dumped means I didn't need to close the port to get the data to file
<dsmith>AHh. GOod then.
<lispmacs[work]>if I watch strace, I can see that now it is calling one `write' for each byte
<dsmith>Ya. Expected.
<dsmith>Getting stinkier every minute.
<dsmith>Ok, just to make sure. You *are* calling force-output on the correct port, right?
<lispmacs[work]>dsmith: yes. however, what I haven't tried yet was 'flush-all-ports'. I not 100% sure that buffering isn't happening further up the chain
<lispmacs[work]>the chain is UART -> USB -> picocom -> FIFO -> file
*dsmith shakes fist at usb
<dsmith>The thing is, you should really be seeing a write after calling flush.
<dsmith>And by "flush" I to mean "force-output"
***bandali_ is now known as bandali
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<manumanumanu>In what conditions could guile receive a SIGKILL?
<manumanumanu>out of memory?
<manumanumanu>I have a some guile code for generating permutations, and trying to generate it for (iota 11) (which is very very big, I know) guile just quits with a SIGKILL
<emestee>if it's an out of memory issue you'd see that in dmesg
<manumanumanu>yes that was it
<lampilelo>manumanumanu: do you need a list of permutations or just want to iterate over them?
<lampilelo>because if you want to iterate, just like lloda suggested yesterday (although to someone else) you can use algorithms from knuth (they're mutating an array and visiting on every iteration)
<manumanumanu>oh, I have those as well
<taw10>Or, perhaps you need section 3.5.3 of SICP?
<manumanumanu>I just wanted to see if I could make a faster version of my already pretty fast lexicographical permutations code
<manumanumanu>so I implemented Heap's algorithm, and it is a little bit faster
<manumanumanu>The one that generates lexicographical permutations is fast, and can easily be made as a generator
<manumanumanu>it generates all permutations of (iota 10) in about 1s
<manumanumanu>whereas Heap's algorithm does it 10% faster
<lampilelo>ok, so everyting is under control
<manumanumanu>yes. thanks anyway
<emestee>ahhh I get to implement a FSM in scheme
<ft>emestee: I think this conference call with william byrd may be of interest:
<emestee>thanks, that can be useful
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<flatwhatson>nice video! my "better way to do this":
***dsmith-w` is now known as dsmith-work
<flatwhatson>lightbulb, it's a fold:
<dsmith-work>Hey Hi Howdy, Guilers
<ft>flatwhatson: Hehe, yeah I had this in a let: (fsm (lambda (input) (fold transition start input))) :)
<flatwhatson>neat :)
<lloda>using Guile from C++, in { X x; scm_error(...); } x isn't destroyed. How to fix this
<lampilelo>lloda: that's because scm_error uses longjmp, c++ destructors won't run, what i do is use dynamic wind and a handler that calls them, of course the handler should be set up to run only on non-local exits
<lloda>thx again, that helps
<lloda>i've been avoiding the obvious cases by closing scopes early etc but probably i have leaks all over the place
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***sneek_ is now known as sneek
<lampilelo>yeah, it's a pain, most of the time putting stuff in { ... } is enough, the problems arise when you call scm_* and c++ functions interchangeably
<lampilelo>lloda: the code i posted is incorrect, you shouldn't use it
<lampilelo>i had a feeling something was wrong so i tested it
<lampilelo>it will work only if you use it once per dynamic wind
<lampilelo>i don't know how i thought it will work, it worked fine with my small library i wrote a while back but i called scm_dynwind_cpp_destroy once per dynwind, the problem is this thread_local variable stores only one lambda at a timem which will get replaced on every subsequent call, i don't have a solution right away
<lampilelo>but i have an idea
<stis>Heya guilers!
<lampilelo>hi stis
<stis>aret here a concept of programmers spreadsheet?
<mfiano>you mean like dataframes?
<stis>well consider constructing a spread sheet program ontop of guile, how should onw do that!!
<stis>Basically a framwoke of tables that allow you to filter/sort/rearrange(take-sellections etc
<mfiano>google for dataframe libraries
<mfiano>Such as
<lampilelo>you can use g-golf to make a gui for it
<stis>That would be perfect
<dsmith-work>Scheme In A Grid:
<manumanumanu>dsmith-work: that is a name with history!
<dsmith-work>manumanumanu: pre-history for some
<daviwil>Hey folks! I'm using (web client)'s `http-post' function to make a request to an HTTPS endpoint. My understanding is that `#decode-body?' is `#t' by default but for some reason I still receive a bytevector as the response body that is returned. The `Content-Type' header is `application/json' so I'd imagine this should be interpreted as text. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
<daviwil>Passing the bytevector through `utf8->string' gives the desired result, so I suppose that's good enough for now!
<ft>I think that only happens if the content-type makes text-content-type? return #t.
<ft>So if you want to decode for other content-types too, you'll have to do it yourself, as you are.
<ft>daviwil: text-content-type? is (or (string-prefix? "text/" type) (string-suffix? "/xml" type) (string-suffix? "+xml" type))
<daviwil>ft: Thanks! That explains it
<lampilelo>lloda: what do you think about this?
<daviid>lampilelo: how about using a tor friendly paste service, debian, gnome ... "Your IP has been blocked for violating the Terms of Service...' well, happy it did, your ( are violating my privacy ...
<lampilelo>no problem, i chose dpaste because other people on #emacs use it, i thought it was alright
<lampilelo>daviid: if you want to take a look:
<lampilelo>i don't think std::function allocates but i'm not sure
<lampilelo>if it doesn't this should be a safe way to destroy c++ objects on non-local exits
<RhodiumToad>daviid: paste sites are heavily abused by malware, it's not at all surprising that they would block anon access
<lampilelo>hmm... now that i think about it std::function always has the same size, so it will probably store the data attached to it on the heap
<dsmith-work>Someone was asking about http-request the other day. Did you ever get that figured out?
***sneek_ is now known as sneek
<lampilelo>ok, last revision today, if someone's interested:
<lampilelo>switched to lambdas since they store everything inside
<lampilelo>sneek: later tell lloda sorry for the faulty code i gave you earlier, this should be much better:
<sneek>Will do.