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<dsmith>sneek: botsnack
<dsmith>sneek: seen dsmith-work
<sneek>I think I remember dsmith-work in #guile 53 minutes and 30 seconds ago, saying: Always another bug!.
<ArneBab>dsmith-work: do you mean the one-page sxml template or in general the code with fewer parens?
<roelj>dsmith-work: Yes that's it! I was using Guile 3.0.2, and with 3.0.4 it should the function names! Thanks once again!
<dsmith>ArneBab: Just the lack of parens in general.
<dsmith>When a function is long, it's hard for me to see what pieces line up with what based on indentation alone.
<dsmith>ArneBab: Not saying it's bad or people shouldn't use it. Just not for me.
<dadinn>hi all
<dadinn>is there something of a hash-set in guile?
<dadinn>I mean the data structure
<dadinn>I cannot find anything like that, so I am thinking of using a hashtable... but then there is no method to get the list of keys :/
<dadinn>can I map car over it? that assumes the hashset can be taken as a sequences of key-value pairs... which I am worried will not be true :/
***catonano_ is now known as catonano
<dadinn>hmm, poor mans hash-set:
<dadinn>* man's
<daviid>dadinn: 6.6.22 Hash Tables
<dadinn>daviid: yes, but that is not a Hash Set, I am particularily looking for unique values in a list
<dadinn>also, with thy let typo fixed in my example, it is still a problem that `(hash-table->list car list)` doesn't work, because car doesn't seem like the right way to access the key :/
<dadinn>whatever, it is called hash-map->list
<dadinn>working version of the poor man's hash-set:
<dadinn>I mean it should be better called unique... cuz it just returns a unique list as result
<daviid>dadinn: why don't you just parse the content-list instead
<dadinn>also, since it is a hash-table, it obviously can have a problem with collisions :/
<dadinn>daviid: I parse the content list
<dadinn>daviid: what do you mean just parse the content-list?
<daviid>dadinn: you are, it seems, thowing away the hash table, you may as well just call map and a hash function over content-list
<dadinn>daviid: I don't understand the map and hash function part... can you give an example?
<daviid>map my-hash-proc my-contnet
<dadinn>daviid: that would mean i would get a list of hashes/integers, the same number as the content-list was (assuming hash-proc returns an integer)
<daviid>yes, but you don't need to build and throw away a hash table to solve that problem ... if the set of key is what you want ...
<dadinn>davidl: it is the set of keys is all I need, I should call the fuction unique, or uniq
<dadinn>the problem is if there is hash collisions, I won't save the different values which clash hashes at the moment, so I would need to use a multi-map for that
<dadinn>or is it a problem? I am not sure how hash-table is implemented :/
<dadinn>if the hash of two keys are equal, does the later key overwrite the earlier?
<daviid>hash collisions occur if you have duplicates in your content-list, so you may either filter before, while building or after ...
<dadinn>daviid: the problem with collision is that if two non-equal values have the same hash... two equal values should always have the same hash
***sneek_ is now known as sneek
<daviid>dadinn: all i was saying is in yur paste, yu throw away the hash table, and therfore you may as well not even build one, just call hash functions and filter forduplicates ...
<dadinn>daviid: how do you filter for duplicates? is there a function for that? That's exactly the same I am trying to achieve with putting stuff into a hash-set-like thing
<daviid>dadinn: in yu paste, you only return the keys right?
<dadinn>daviid: and even if there is a function like that, how does it address the case when there are two non-equal values which happen to have the same hash?
<dadinn>daviid: yes, I only return the keys, now I am trying to update it a bit so I will use a multi-map to protect against hash collisions, becaus I am not sure how hash-table works
<dadinn>daviid: for example I don't know what hash function hash-table uses, and how to find to example non-equal keys which have collisions to test this
<dadinn>if I do a naive list-input list-output based implentation where I put items from the input list to the output list, comparing the new input is not in the output list, that's an O(n^2) complexity... that's why I need a hash-table /hash-set
<dadinn>daviid: naah, I can't get around the problem of hash collisions, or maybe I am misguided with the entire issue... drank too much beers tonight, going to bed! ;D
<dadinn>my final solution to the uniqueness problem is:
<thchr>Quick question: sometimes I see the notation (+1 i) instead of (+ 1 i) - is there a difference?
<mwette>1+ is a procedure: (define (1+ x) (+ 1 x))
<thchr>Hmm, I don't get it; if I type (1+ 2) at the guile repl, 3 is returned? I encountered the (1+ x) notation in a (do ..) loop construct?
<mwette>just type 1+ at the guile prompt
<mwette>Try to type (define (xx i) (1+ i)), then type (xx 2) and you get 3
<mwette>oops (define (xx i) (+ 1 i))
<mwette>then (xx 2) => 3
<thchr>Ah, I get it now: nice! Thanks for explaining this!
<ZombieChicken>Anyone aware of a guile implementation of termbox?
<daviid>sneek: guile-software
<sneek>guile-software is at
<daviid>ZombieChicken: if it exists, it's likely reported there ^
<daviid>i couldn't find any
<leoprikler>dadinn: For the record, SRFI-1 has delete-duplicates and lset-* procedures so you can treat lists as sets
<leoprikler>it doesn't come with the "hash" part, so asymptotically performance will be worse, but it should do the job
***sputny1 is now known as sputny
<dsmith-work>Morning Greetings, Guilers
<kahiru>morning dsmith-work
<mwette>morning, all
***rekado_ is now known as rekado
<chrislck>silly question: how do hash-set! and friends handle hash collisions?
<dsmith-work>chrislck: Looks like (from hashtab.c) that a hash table is a vector of a-lists. The lists have (key . value) pairs.
<dsmith-work>So I would imagine two keys that hash to the same value are on one of those a-lists.
<thchr>Another question: trying to benchmark a method, I encountered a strange disparity between manually pasting code in the Guile REPL and `include`ing it. E.g., on 2.2, this code ( If I `include` the file (or run it as `guile filename.scm` from bash) performance is 5-10 times slower than
<thchr>if I launch the REPL and then manually paste the contents of the file. What is happening here?
<thchr>On 1.8, the difference seems to be about a factor of 2.
<thchr>Ah, link got garbled:
<RhodiumToad>tried it on 2.2.7, didn't see any difference?
<thchr>I'm on 2.2.3
<RhodiumToad>try 2.2.7 then :-)
<RhodiumToad>or 3.0.x
<thchr>I guess I will then; I'm on an older Ubuntu though, so I have to compile from source then - I guess I should...
<RhodiumToad>it's quite a lot faster on 3.0.x
<RhodiumToad>might be the jit
<thchr>Out of interest, how much?
<RhodiumToad>how long are you expecting it to take?
<thchr>On my laptop, it's on the order of 2e-5 seconds on v2.2
<RhodiumToad>ah, the output here is wrong because you're not accounting for internal-time-units-per-second
<RhodiumToad>so correcting for that, I get ~2.8e-5 s on 2.2.7, and ~1.7e-5 s on 3.0.4
<thchr>Ah, OK - didn't know that command
<RhodiumToad>(you seem to be assuming that's 100, on my system it's 1e9)
<thchr>(It was 1e9 on one of my systems as well, yeah)
***rgherdt_ is now known as rgherdt
<rlb>nb. 3.0.4-1 uploaded to debian unstable -- and built on all the release architectures (at least), on the first try:
<RhodiumToad>still won't run properly on 32-bit arm of course
<dsmith-work>RhodiumToad: Why not?
<dsmith-work>RhodiumToad: Oh! For fbsd?
<RhodiumToad> <-- that's still unfixed
<RhodiumToad>oh, I suppose it'll work with gcc
<dsmith-work>Yeah, s/fbsd/clang/
<dsmith-work>Forgot about that.
***karlosz_ is now known as karlosz
<manumanumanu>Ahoy hoy!
<manumanumanu>rlb: you are doing a hero's work!
***roptat_ is now known as roptat
<ATuin>I need some help with this code:
<ATuin>how can i read the output of the pipe?
<ATuin>that code seems to hang on the child process
<ATuin>when using `open-output-pipe` I can see the output of `wc` in the console
<dsmith-work>ATuin: remove the format
<ATuin>aha let me try
<dsmith-work>YOu can't (read-line p) there.
<ATuin>removing the format didn't help
<ATuin>mmm why?
<ATuin>i guess i'm using the port wrongly but I can not see why o how
<dsmith-work>You can't read and write to that same pipe.
<dsmith-work>(I always get confused on what is an "in" and and "out", depends on perspective)
<ATuin>yeah, I'm confused now :D
<dsmith-work>So if you want to write to it, you need an output-pipe. If you want to read from it, an input-pipe.
<ATuin>then how do i use that function
<ATuin>it opens the pipe in both modes according to the doc
<dsmith-work>Didn't see that. Sorry!
<ATuin>Care should be taken with OPEN_BOTH, a deadlock will occur if both parent and child are writing, and waiting until the write completes before doing any reading.
<ATuin>they comment that in the doc
<ATuin>maybe i'm reaching that case
<ATuin>a funny fact is that when the child is rofi, stumpwm hangs completely until I kill the process :D
<dsmith-work>So it may be that buffereing is involved. Maybe a flush after your display.
<dsmith-work>IF you close, that ends up closing both ends.
<ATuin>I thought the same so I tried to flush the port and even remove the buffer but nothing
<ATuin>yeah closing it makes the read to fail later
<ATuin>I also think it's something related to buffering
<ATuin>could it be that the child is waiting for more input so the read is hanging
<ATuin>so maybe the problem is the write procedure
<dsmith-work>Yes, that's why closing the pipe to "wc" would be good, but that also ends up closing the pipe FROM "wc"
<dsmith-work>ATuin: istr something like this on the mailing lists a few months ago.
<dsmith-work>I don't remember what (if any) the solution was.
<ATuin>mmm don't know i can check it
<ATuin>i guess i can always fork manually and dup the fds but i'm curious why is not working because that procedure looks very conveniant
<dsmith-work>Is there a way to make "wc" line buffered? I would think it must read it's total input until EOF before producing any output.
<ATuin>yes, seems that's the problem
<thchr>RhodiumToad Just to update on my previous conundrum: I found that the problem didn't exist on Guile 2.0 nor on Guile 3.0.4. Somewhat hilariously, I also found that the problem went away if I called guile-2.2 from sudo; somehow it seems auto-compilation wasn't happening, I think.
<ATuin>this wc example was just to test it
<ATuin>the original problem came from piping into `rofi`
***karlosz_ is now known as karlosz
<dsmith-work> 1 9 45
<ATuin>i will read the doc
<ATuin>ahh it's similar to call-with-values
<dsmith-work>Basically just the example in the manual modified a bit.
<dsmith-work>pipeline separates out the in and out pipes so you can close them independently.
<ATuin>where is pipeline defined?
<ATuin>ahhh yes sorry
<ATuin>i remember it now
<ATuin>aha i see the trick now
<ATuin>smart! thanks
<dsmith-work>np. Sorry for the confusion earlier.
<ATuin>I will try with the original problem (rofi)
<dsmith-work>You could still run into the problem of deadlock.
<ATuin>yeah but in this case i wont read until the the other side is closed
<dsmith-work>reading from the pipe, with the pipe blocked on a read, which you can never send.
<ATuin>interesting I dont have that procedure in this version of guile
<ATuin>yeah, it was introduced in 3.0.3 :D
<manumanumanu>ATuin: open-input-pipe was changed in 3.0.3 to allow for the open-pipeline (????) procedure that opens a pipeline like a shell | pipe. I didn't read your discussion, but from what i glanced through it seems like a regression
<manumanumanu>Anyway, good night!
<ATuin> manumanumanu yeah thanks
<ATuin>the problem is that only got 1 pipe and the child was waiting for more input so my read was blocking
<manumanumanu>ATuin: oh, you could use (@@ (ice-9 popen) open-process) to get 2 separate ports. That way you could close the one you write to close stdin for the process
<manumanumanu>I should really submit some kind of patch to put that stuff in the manual!