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<delmarre>right lads help me get haunt working
<delmarre>or i am gonna go mad
<delmarre>got it working fine in the repl
<delmarre>but running haunt build gets me Error: no code for module
<delmarre>(haunt ui) but presumably all of it
<delmarre>what have i done wrong?
<ArneBab_>did you set the GUILE_LOAD_PATH to include the site directory or haunt directory?
<delmarre>lemme check quick
<delmarre>%load-path gives
<delmarre> ("/usr/local/share/guile/site/2.2" "/usr/share/guile/2.2" "/usr/share/guile/site/2.2" "/usr/share/guile/site" "/usr/share/guile")
<delmarre>incidentally it all works if i call the ./pre-inst-env first
<delmarre>so might just make aliases to do that as a complete hacky solution haha
***bairui_ is now known as bairui
<ArneBab>sneek: later tell delmarre: It needs to be /usr/local/share/guile/2.2/site — not ../guile/site/2.2
<ArneBab>ah, damn, no
<ArneBab>sneek: later tell delmarre: sorry, I got that wrong … site/2.2 is correct
<sneek>Got it.
<ArneBab>sneek: later tell delmarre: where did make install install to?
<sneek>delmarre, you have 3 messages.
<sneek>delmarre, ArneBab says: It needs to be /usr/local/share/guile/2.2/site — not ../guile/site/2.2
<sneek>delmarre, ArneBab says: sorry, I got that wrong … site/2.2 is correct
<sneek>delmarre, ArneBab says: where did make install install to?
<janneke>mwette: rain1 just found that recently (ice-9 textual-ports) from guile-2.2 were introduced in Nyacc
<janneke>i think this breaks guile-2.0 compatibility, are you aware of this?
<janneke>ACTION had some debugging patches for guile-1.8 and nyacc 0.7x so that nyacc runs on real simple guile (and hence mes scheme)
<mwette>janneke: no. I will look into it.
<janneke>mwette: thanks. i haven't kept up with Mes<->Nyacc's compatibility recently, working so hard on MesCC only
<mwette>janneke: you compiled nyacc to guile-1.8? I can install 1.8 but not confident that one is doable
<janneke>mwette: i have a patched guile (branch 1.8) here:
<janneke>it adds r7rs ellipses (for Nyacc), define-syntax-rule, quasisyntax, when, unless, and PEG to guile-1.8
<janneke>i am using (this patched) guile-1.8 to bootstrap Mes' psyntax.pp
<janneke>mwette: btw, guile-1.8 has no compiler, so setting load-path is enough ;-)
<mwette>janneke: thanks -- looks doable for 1.8; though I may try use-modules + effective-version to get optargs and syncase
<janneke>mwette: yes, this made me very happy last year!
<janneke>note that this is my enhanced guile-1.8
<mwette>janneke: is the ellipses for the lalr-spec macro? I could eliminate that I think, now that a let is not needed to wrap everything.
<janneke>mwette: yes...that would nice for full source bootstrapping...
<janneke>...although what would be *really* awesome if we can remove the dependency on syntax-case
<mwette>won't happen, as nyacc lalr syntax uses identifier? ; that is what makes the syntax for languages so clean:
<mwette>nyacc : ("[" ElementList "," Elision "]"
<mwette>lalr: (lbracket ElementList comma Elision rbracket)
<janneke>yeah, that's beautiful
<janneke>we (from the full source bootstrapping madness) will just have to see
<janneke>it is rumoured that syntax-case can be bootstrapped
<rain1>maybe we could go over it like ((str "[") (rule ElementList) (str ",") (rule Elision) (str "]"))
<sneek>rain1, you have 1 message.
<sneek>rain1, oriansj says: to message me as I have some important news.
<rain1>and modify the macro a bit to do that
<janneke>mwette, rain1: maintaining a fork/delta on Nyacc -- just for bootstrapping purposes -- would be an option too
<janneke>not the best of options, but keeping Nyacc as clean as possible is also nice
<janneke>usually it's not so bad to have some yoghurt software
<janneke>managing to bootstrap syntax-case would be another great option
<rain1>we will need to think about self extension carefully to get a scheme with macro systems
<janneke>rain1: yeah
<janneke>lisp-style define-macros are trivial
<mwette>actually identifier? is need to distinguish identifiers from symbols, which are not used, usually
<janneke>syntax-rules are not trivial, but OK to bootstrap and mes has them
<mwette>one would have to declare symbol use (using %token like statement)
<janneke>syntax-rules is ~200 lines of lisp style macros
<rain1>wow thats awesome, just had a look at mes/syntax.scm
<janneke>rain1 :-)
<janneke>can you imagine how i felt when that worked?
<rain1>yeah must been have been exciting!
<janneke>...standing on the shoulders of giants...
<rain1>i only have a trivial defmacro in my compiler, first define quasiquote then using it to define cond and similar - i should see if i can pull in that syntax-rules its nice and compact
<janneke>rain1: your compiler, is that written in forth?
<rain1>no its self hosted on top of a VM implemented in C
<rain1>what i had thought before was the forth is very close to this sort of VM (the way it reads in 'words' from a file, load them into a dictionary, execute them with a threaded loop)
<mwette>I have simple fix for removing textual-ports.
<janneke>mwette: that's great news
<mwette>`get-string-all' replaced by new proc `read-rest'
<mwette>ACTION is working port of nyacc to guile 1.8
<mwette>This 1.8 porting is turning out to be not clean.
<dustyweb>oh interesting, libtasn1
<dustyweb>mwette: a backwards port of nyacc? why? :O
<mwette>dustyweb: janneke using 1.8 - I said I would look.
<dustyweb>civodul: have you looked at ?
<dustyweb>I wonder if I should try to see if I can use it to parse things in guile-gnutls
<janneke>dustyweb, mwette: ouch, hope you didn't misunderstand me there...
<amz3>ijp: do you have plans on hacking on guile stuff before next year? maybe guile-js stuff?
<amz3>ijp: I would be glad if you give me feedback on my commits
<dustyweb>I'm having a hard time figuring out by using it what useful data I can get out tho
<janneke>i backported things needed for Nyacc to guile-1.8, to help boot Nyacc on Mes
<janneke>currently, I use Nyacc on guile-2.2, and on Mes
<janneke>when I have a problem with Nyacc on Mes, debugging with Guile-1.8 helps because Guile-1.8 and Mes are closer
<janneke>however, i *also* use this patched Guile-1.8 to bootstrap psyntax.pp for Mes
<mwette>janneke: OK then. I did remove dependence on ellipsis and srfi-43, but the parser is not working.
<janneke>this psyntax.pp I use in Mes to run Nyacc...
<janneke>mwette: still, it would be very helpful for bootstrapping if those were not needed
<janneke>not urgent, but for bootstrapping it's nice to have less macro-fu dependencies
<janneke>i spent quite some time on removing ellipsis from Nyacc and then opted to backport ellipsis to Guile-1.8 and then to Mes
<mwette>janneke: wow -- nice effort there
<janneke>mwette: eh, i spent time and failed -- then took the "let's add and use ellipsis route"
<janneke>so i spent time on "trying to remove"
<mwette>I have removed the use of ellipsis, but getting error for 1.8 on simple spec
<janneke>but getting ellipsis to work on guile-1.8 was kind of cool :-)
<amz3>dustyweb: héllo! What is the guile web tutorial you are talking about in the ML?
<amz3>dustyweb: direct link? :)
<janneke>mwette: hmm, i had silly things with port encodings but that was guile-2.0 i think
<janneke>mwette: i think that guile-1.8 does not have `when'?
<mwette>I ran into unless. I added compat18 module which provides unless via syntax-rules
<janneke>mwette: or does not support reading #\\b, does not have #\\alarm, #\\vtab
<janneke>ah, good
<mwette>guile18 also does not have srfi-43
<janneke>indeed, i backported that for guile-1.8 too
<janneke>it also doesn't read #| |# comments
<mwette>but it does have #! and !#
<mwette>also, make-fluid does not take an argument. The value defaults to #f but I was using (make-fluid #f) anyhow so I changed from (make-fluid #f) to (make-fluid)
<mwette>also syntax case reader macros aren't there (i.e., can't use #' must use (syntax))
<janneke>yeah, backported those too to guile18 ...
<dustyweb>amz3: it's in the manual
<amz3>I see thx
<daviid>lloda: I don't remember the name and location of your CBLAS related project and repo?
<daviid>ah i got it
<daviid>guile-ffi-cblas on noteabug
<civodul>dustyweb: i haven't looked closely at libtasn1, but it's what gnutls uses
<civodul>though parsing ASN.1 in C is debatable :-)
<dustyweb>civodul: heh :)
<dustyweb>civodul: what's the name of the scheme library that did all the crypto stuff? I couldn't remember it today..
<dustyweb>that's the one
<civodul>perhaps CHICKEN, Racket, or Bigloo have an ASN.1 parser too
<civodul>ACTION -> zZz
<janneke>ACTION -> zZzz