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<amz3>yeah! got my web framework returning something :)
<mark_weaver>that's good news! :)
<amz3>basicly it routes request to procedure based on path like any other web framework I know of
<amz3>well, that almost all there is to it right now, another feature is that application are composed of sub-application
<amz3>so in theory it's possible to have reusable apps
<dsmith>mark_weaver, There was someone in here about 6-12 months ago that wanted to open some files that were near the location of his .scm module. He ended up walking the load-path for his module.
<dsmith>mark_weaver, That probably won't help at all with the "relocatable" libguile though... IT's the load-path that needs setting in the first place!
<ijp>(module-filename (current-module)) ?
<dsmith>In the words of Emily Litella: "Nevermind"
<dsmith>ijp, Yep.
<dsmith>ijp, But that doesn't give you the full path.
<dsmith>Just the "offset" from the load-path
<ijp>ah, you're right
<ijp>hmm, what's the function to change module again?
<mark_weaver>ijp: what does it mean to "change module" ?
<mark_weaver>there's the ",m" REPL command.
<ijp>that, but programmatically
<mark_weaver>this is a pet peeve of mine.
<mark_weaver>I think the concept of "the current module" is a fundamentally broken idea.
<ijp>so, I can do (save-module-excursion (lambda () (gotomodule (foo)) *excute-code-in-context-of-foo))
<mark_weaver>but 'set-current-module!' is probably what you want.
<mark_weaver>the first thing that macro expansion does is to "bake in" the top-level module into each identifier.
<mark_weaver>from then on, macros can slice and dice these expressions, and then the concept of "the current module" makes no sense.
<ijp>hmm, I was thinking current-filename might have helped, but with a quick few experiments, that isn't very helpful
<ijp>mark_weaver: yes, it is problematic, but it's also been this way for a decade or so
<mark_weaver>it makes sense to pass the module (a.k.a. environment) as an argument to 'eval' or 'compile'.
<mark_weaver>it makes sense for the REPL to have a concept of "the current module".
<mark_weaver>beyond those things, it's a broken idea.
<ijp>hmm, I've never realised wondered this before, but what do we do about $variables at the repl?
<ijp>do they get defined in the same module, or a separate one?
*ijp goes check
<ijp>yeah, current module
<ijp>oh wait, no,hmm
<ijp>it seems like when you e.g. ,m (ice-9 control) you can only see the $vars that were returned while in that module
<ijp>but guile-user sees them all
<ijp>no, that's not right either
<cky>mark_weaver: Most likely, I'll be attending RacketCon this year. I've already booked my hostel accommodations, and will be booking my flight, if you're going, hope to see you there. :-)
<ijp>always visible, except for that one time I got an error
<mark_weaver>ijp: cool! RacketCon is very close to where I live, so I guess I should make an appearance :)
<mark_weaver>ah, right :)
<mark_weaver>cky: I look forward to meeting you :)
<ijp>hmm, I can't actually find the code where it defines those variables
***jao` is now known as jao
<ijp>I see, I was looking in the wrong place
<cky>mark_weaver: :-)
<ijp>it's in (ice-9 history) not under with (system repl ...)
<ArneBab_>mark_weaver: the current module path could be very useful for easy to distribute games (just send around the folder).
*ArneBab_ needs go go, though - just had a quick look at the backlog
<nalaginrut>morning guilers~
<mark_weaver>hi nalaginrut!
<nalaginrut>mark_weaver: heya~
<nalaginrut>anyone help me about regexp? (regexp-split ".\\\\$\\\\{?([^}]+)?\\\\}" "a${b}c${d}asdf")
<nalaginrut>I want to get all the strings put in ${...}
<nalaginrut>I'm trying to implement a string template like python3
<nalaginrut>alright I got it
<nalaginrut>(regexp-split "[^$]*\\\\$\\\\{?([^}]+)?\\\\}[^$]*" "asdfaf${b}c${d}asdf${asdf}")
<nalaginrut>something like this
<mark_weaver>why do you have a '?' after the \\\\{ ?
<nalaginrut>oops, seems a typo
<mark_weaver>what is the set of things that can be within the ${...} ? just variable names, or full expressions?
<mark_weaver>also, I'd probably use irregex-replace/all instead of regexp-split
<mark_weaver>(and omit the "[^$]*" at the beginning and end of your regexp)
<mark_weaver>IMO anyway
<nalaginrut>well, yes, I realized regex-replace/global is proper
*nalaginrut modifying
<nalaginrut>but seems I need to get the variable name from ${...}
<nalaginrut>well, let me see what's the proper logic
<mark_weaver>irregex-replace/all can accept a procedure that takes the match object and returns the substitution string.
<nalaginrut>ok, I'll checkout it's manual
<mark_weaver>it might be easier if you put parens around the part of the regexp that contains the variable name.
<mark_weaver>usually, regexp libraries allow you to access the parts of the string that correspond to parenthesized parts of the regexp.
<mark_weaver>(irregex-match-substring <match-object> 1) is probably what you want, assuming that you put parentheses around the variable-name part of the regexp.
<nalaginrut>OK, I think I find the way
<nalaginrut>almost there...
<mark_weaver>you might consider using SRE instead of traditional string-based regexp syntax. SRE is much nicer.
<mark_weaver>SRE == Scheme Regular Expressions
<nalaginrut>ah~sounds nice, I'll consider it then
<nalaginrut>well, I've no idea how to pass the var-name as keyword, which could be taken by the template
<mark_weaver>I guess the SRE would be something like '(seq "${" (submatch (+ (~ #\\}))) "}")
<mark_weaver>'seq' could be replaced with ':' and 'submatch' with '$' if you prefer brevity.
<nalaginrut>my plan is to return a lambda* which takes keywords as args, and the keywords should be the var-name within ${...}
<nalaginrut>then users may use it easily
<nalaginrut>(define ll '((a 1) (b 2))) (lambda* `(#:key ,@ll) a) something like this
<mark_weaver>well, here's how you'd do it with alists:
<mark_weaver>(define alist '((test . "foo") (emergency . "bar")))
<mark_weaver>(irregex-replace/all '(seq "${" (submatch (+ (~ #\\}))) "}") "this is a ${test} of the ${emergency} broadcasting system." (lambda (match) (assoc-ref alist (string->symbol (irregex-match-substring match 1)))))
<mark_weaver>=> "this is a foo of the bar broadcasting system."
<mark_weaver>I'll leave it as an exercise how to do it for keywords :)
<mark_weaver>(also, that SRE should be precompiled using 'sre->irregex', for efficiency)
<nalaginrut>mark_weaver: can't I use (lambda* `(#:key (a 1 #:a)) a) anyway?
<mark_weaver>if the keyword is not a compile-time constant, then you can't use lambda* to get it nicely.
<nalaginrut>well, I have to return a proc as proper interface for users
<nalaginrut>I think lambda* would be better, or any better way?
<nalaginrut>I think python3 uses a lambda* alike way
<mark_weaver>you'll have to so (lambda args ...) and then search 'args' yourself for the keywords. there's 'kw-arg-ref' in boot-9.scm, if you like, but it's fairly trivial to do anyway.
<mark_weaver>or (lambda (foo bar . rest) ...) and search 'rest'.
<mark_weaver>here's one way:
<mark_weaver>(define var-subst-re (sre->irregex '(: "${" (=> name (+ (~ #\\}))) "}")))
<mark_weaver>(define (do-subst template . keyword-args) (irregex-replace/all var-subst-re template (lambda (match) (kw-arg-ref keyword-args (symbol->keyword (string->symbol (irregex-match-substring match 'name)))))))
<mark_weaver>example usage:
<mark_weaver>(do-subst "This is a ${what} of the ${adjective} broadcasting system." #:what "test" #:adjective "emergency")
<mark_weaver>=> "This is a test of the emergency broadcasting system."
<mark_weaver>nalaginrut: ^^
<nalaginrut>I almost there~
<nalaginrut>and a better way I think ;-D
<mark_weaver>I'll be curious to see what you come up with.
<nalaginrut>I want to get the content of ${...}, but this doesn't seem to work "
<nalaginrut>(iiregex-match-substring m 2) didn't parse the inner pares
<nalaginrut>mark_weaver: alright, I used your SRE, it works
<nalaginrut>so magics
<mark_weaver>nalaginrut: you're compiling the SRE once for each call to 'make-string-template'. better to compile it just once ever.
<mark_weaver>if "~" appears anywhere in the template string, it will break your procedure. why are you using 'format' ?
<mark_weaver>That has the same API as yours.
<mark_weaver>well, just a suggestion. artanis is your project; do as you think best :)
<mark_weaver>nalaginrut: actually, if you want to handle "$$" escapes properly, as python 3 does, then you need to do something more like this instead:
<mark_weaver>with that version "$${blah}" simply turns into "${blah}" with no substitution, as is proper. but "$$${blah}" turns into "$HI" if #:blah "HI" is passed.
<mark_weaver>e.g. ((make-string-template "This is a $$$$${blah} $$$${blah} ${what} of the ${kind} alert system.") #:what "test" #:kind "emergency" #:blah "boring")
<mark_weaver>=> "This is a $$boring $${blah} test of the emergency alert system."
<mark_weaver>does that make sense?
<nalaginrut>mark_weaver: thanks for reply , I just had lunch
<nalaginrut>now I'm reading the code and reply carefully
<nalaginrut>wow, so irrex could name the group
<mark_weaver>yeah, this is a case where SREs make the code much more readable.
<nalaginrut>oh~fortunately I add irregex into Artani
<nalaginrut>this may give much power
<nalaginrut>mark_weaver: if I parse 'dollar and replace it, I have to parse the string twice, right?
<nalaginrut>oh no, it just escape
<mark_weaver>I don't understand the question.
<mark_weaver>replacing all of the $$ with $ in a first pass, and then replacing the ${...} in a second pass, doesn't work.
<mark_weaver>because then $${key} becomes ${key} which then is substituted, but it shouldn't be.
<nalaginrut>yes, I see that
<nalaginrut>now I'm adding a new feature to support default value
<mark_weaver>what's the purpose of using 'format' in a second pass? It's less efficient and less robust.
<mark_weaver>it's less robust because (A) if there are any ~ patterns in the template, it will misbehave, and (B) you're assuming that the procedure passed to 'irregex-replace/all' is called in left-to-right order of matches, although that's not specified.
<mark_weaver>and it's less efficient because you're needlessly constructing an intermediate string, and scanning the string twice instead of once.
<nalaginrut>to A, I think there's optimization room
<nalaginrut>to B, I didn't see how the order matters
<nalaginrut>alright, I saw B
<mark_weaver>regarding A, try: (define tpl (make-string-template "${name1}, ~a I'm ${name2}")) and see what happens.
<nalaginrut>what about escape ~a
<mark_weaver>also, try: (define tpl (make-string-template "${name1}, I'm ~${name2}"))
<nalaginrut>hmm...I'm glad I created a nice honeypot for crackers ;-/
<nalaginrut>well, ~ could be fixed, but I've no idea about "~?"
<mark_weaver>what's the motivation behind using 'format' here?
<nalaginrut>I want to use "~?"
<nalaginrut>finally I'll generate a list contains all values
<nalaginrut>format is easier to do that
<mark_weaver>a list of what values?
<mark_weaver>you mean you want to be able to do (tmpl #:foo '(a b c)) ?
<nalaginrut>assume name1==>"111" name2==>"222", the final value list would be ("111" "222")
<nalaginrut>and format could handle it well
<nalaginrut>and I think the eval order doesn't matter
<mark_weaver>well, you're wrong about that, but I don't have any more time to explain it.
<nalaginrut>you need to have rest
<mark_weaver>okay, good night.
<nalaginrut>sneek: later tell mark_weaver I don't see any way to handle it without 'format', if I use display, the code becomes more complex. For eval-order issue, I think you mean it will break the output of format with "~?".
<sneek>Got it.
<sneek>Welcome back Chaos`Eternal, you have 1 message.
<sneek>Chaos`Eternal, mark_weaver says: sorry I missed your messages earlier. Ping me next time you're on?
<jmd>How can I test if something is a string?
<taylanub>jmd: `string?'. Maybe read a Scheme intro and/or the Guile manaul. :)
<jmd>To what should (pair? '()) evaluate ?
<jmd>I need to parse a text file with guile. Are there any procedures to help such an applcation?
<nalaginrut>jmd: parse what format?
<jmd>nalaginrut: Some god-forsaken adhoc thing.
<nalaginrut>jmd: if it's plain text, maybe you need irregex, it's nice to use
<jmd>ok. I'll lookit up.
<nalaginrut>or if it's CFG, maybe take advantage of Guile's LALR
<nalaginrut>unfortunately we don't have lexer, so you have to write a lexer if you need
<jmd>What I could really use right now, is something like read-line but which recognises \\ as the line continuation character
<nalaginrut>jmd: maybe this could be useful
<dsmith>no lexer? What about silex ?
<nalaginrut_>dsmith: well I mean inner lexer, and silex is cool
<jmd>How do I concatenate two strings?
<nalaginrut_>or string-concatenate
<nalaginrut_>or string-concatenate/shared
<nalaginrut_> (->sql select * from 'user where (and (= user "name") (> age 15)))
<nalaginrut_> ;; ==> "select * from user where user=\\"name\\" and age>15;"
<nalaginrut_>though result seems OK, the implementation code looks ugly
*nalaginrut_ zzzZZ
***linas_ is now known as linas
<stis>howdy guilers!
<mark_weaver>hi shanecelis!
<sneek>Welcome back mark_weaver, you have 1 message.
<sneek>mark_weaver, nalaginrut says: I don't see any way to handle it without 'format', if I use display, the code becomes more complex. For eval-order issue, I think you mean it will break the output of format with "~?".
<shanecelis>Helping a friend out with MATLAB. I showed him how to do his own make-shift TCO with trampolines. He then asked, "What other languages do TCO?" ;)
<mark_weaver>in scheme, it's not merely an optimization, but rather a core part of the semantics. procedure calls in tail position really are GOTOs with arguments.
<mark_weaver>shanecelis: how do I build your emacsy-enabled webkit?
<shanecelis>mark_weaver: It's baked into release v0.1.1 as an example.
<dsmith-work>I tend to think of it as the "normal" kind of procedure call. It's only when it's not in tail position that *extra* stuff has to happen.
<shanecelis>mark_weaver: so hopefully, wget ...; cd ...; ./configure && make && make run
<mark_weaver>dsmith-work: yeah, another way to think about it is that procedure calls are always GOTOs with arguments, and that stack pushes happen when evaluating the argument to a procedure.
<mark_weaver>shanecelis: thanks!
<dsmith-work>Always loved the "goto with arguements" idea.
<mark_weaver>at this point, I often find it painful to use languages without reliable tail calls. so many things become more awkward.
<mark_weaver>sometimes I think I ought to add "GOTO with arguments" support to GCC, but it would be a lot of work just to learn what I need to know to get it done.
<dsmith-work>mark_weaver: It can do that, but only in very limted cases.
<dsmith-work>Not in general
<mark_weaver>right. I mean to add reliable tail calls to GCC.
<taylanub>Can not setjmp/longjmp pass arguments ?
<dsmith-work>Like both functions must be static.
<mark_weaver>setjmp/longjmp are expensive enough that it would be pointless.
<taylanub>Oh OK.
<mark_weaver>and anyway, longjmp can only pass a single int value.
<mark_weaver>and even if it did, it's not clear to me how longjmp would help. where would you do the setjmp and longjmp?
<mark_weaver>one fundamental problem with TCO in C is that semantically, when one C function calls another, it is assumed that all the local (automatic) variables in the caller are still allocated during the call.
<mark_weaver>so TCO can only be done if the compiler can prove that no pointers exist to the caller's local variables.
<mark_weaver>what's needed is a way to say "I explicitly give the compiler permission to dump all the local variables before making this call"
<mark_weaver>the rest is just implementation details about how to shuffle values on the stack and such.
<mark_weaver>the other problem is the common "caller pops arguments" calling convention.
<shanecelis>mark_weaver: Did you see this article?
<mark_weaver>shanecelis: no. thanks for the pointer!
<shanecelis>anybody on here, on twitter? I'm @shanecelis. I just want to make sure I'm following everybody. I gave #guile some shout outs in my talk for being super helpful.
<dsmith-work>mark_weaver: Yeah, caller-pops make sense for printf, but the other way is much better for tail calls.
<dsmith-work>Blame it on Dennis Ritchie
***sneek_ is now known as sneek
<dsmith-work>Ew. what about stuff like sparc with "register windows" insted of a stack.
<mark_weaver>shanecelis: I don't use twitter.
<mark_weaver>dsmith-work: yeah, I'm not sure off hand how SPARC's register windows would fit into this.
<mark_weaver>I don't remember enough of the details of how they work; in particular, when they are pushed/popped to/from the stack
<mark_weaver>My server is SPARC, but now that Oracle owns it, I've lost interest in that platform. I want to stay as far away from Oracle technology as I can.
<mark_weaver>(after seeing them try to claim exclusive ownership over the Java APIs)
<mark_weaver>It's too bad, Scheme has really gotten screwed by the fact that most modern calling conventions are geared towards making 'printf' a little more convenient, at the cost of making tail calls difficult.
<dsmith-work>At the time (I was learning C) I though caller-pops was way cleaner and more symmetrical. But that was pre-ANSI C.
<mark_weaver>same here
<mark_weaver>I still have my first edition K&R somewhere :)
<mark_weaver>dsmith-work: you might enjoy this:
<dsmith-work>Doug McLlroy was at an Ohio Linuxfest a few years ago. I shook his hand and expressed my thanks for making my life better.
<dsmith-work>(about pipes)
<shanecelis>dsmith-work: that's awesome.